So, without further ado--here's 5 Good Things about this week!
1. Last Sunday was the P. F. Changs Rock'n'Roll Marathon! I had originally signed up for the half marathon, but got bronchitis during the last two weeks of training. I knew that running 13.1 would be too much for my body, and was pretty bummed to miss the race (and even more bummed the entrance fee was non-refundable!!) My friend Shallahn told me she was going to run the 10K, and invited me to run it with her so I did! It was perfect weather, and a ton of fun. Even better? My pace per mile was 10 seconds faster than I had anticipated! :)
2. On Monday night, my Bible Study group met for the first time since Christmas! I'd been missing those girls! We prayed for one another and continued our study of Genesis. I can't think of a better way to start the week!
3. Tuesday night was Date Night! Michael and I tried Carolina's Mexican Food. We have heard great things about it, but had never been there before. It is definitely a little dive restaurant (it reminded us a lot of Chino Bandidos), but my burrition was deeeeelicious! And the tortilla chips were extra salty. Nom nom nom.
4. Michael and I didn't have any plans today (Saturay), which was a beautiful thing! This morning we hiked the "Scenic Trail" at McDowell Mountain Preserve. Driving there was an adventure in itself! :) The view was very beautiful, and we hardly came across any other hikers.
5. Tonight was Michael's holiday office party! (It's January 24. . .a little late hahaha) It took place in this giant barn in the middle of nowhere--it literally doesn't have an address! We followed a winding dirt road before we eventually found it and were greeted with complimentary valet parking. The barn was decorated with pretty lights and crystal chandeliers. There was yummy BBQ, fun country music, and even a photo booth! It was so fun to get to meet Michael's friends from work. :)