Tuesday, January 13, 2015

January 13, 2015

5 Good Things About Today

1. Our apartment gym has some new cardio equipment with the option to virtually "run/walk/hike" on famous nature trails around the United States. I tried it out this morning, and virtually eliptical-ed myself around Crater Lake in Oregon and Lake Tahoe in California. ;)

2. For "Date Night" tonight, Michael and I picked up some pizza from our favorite place and came home to watch more Friday Night Lights.

3. Amy and I are holding each other accountable with daily goals this week. Every morning, we have texted each other our 3 goals for the day. Holding myself accountable to somebody else has kept me motivated and productive, even when I don't feel like it. :P

4. Michael asked me this morning if I get mad that he can get ready for work in 30 seconds, and it takes me so much longer. I said no, I'm not jealous--getting dressed and ready for the day is fun!! I had fun putting together this morning's outfit. :)

5. I'm going to bed early. As in right now. As in 9:08 PM. Sweet dreams. :)

What are 5 good things about your day? I would love to hear about them! :)

1 comment:

  1. Would love to add you to a community of fashion bloggers in AZ! Find us on facebook.com/groups/phoenixstyletribe
